ADCP Questions Answered
SonTek experts delve into topics essential for hydrologists, hydrometrists, hydrographers, or anyone responsible for collecting discharge data with an ADCP.
ADCP Training Series
This video collection is your go-to resource for mastering the art of discharge data collection using SonTek ADCP technology.
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Case Studies & White Papers
Discharge and bathymetric data collection of Sinar Mas Forestry plantation canals in Indonesia
Discharge monitoring in a tidally affected river with the SonTek SL in Southern Malaysia
Real time current speed and direction to assist ship berthing in Singapore
Remote bathymetric survey in Kalgoorlie Mine Pits, Australia
Acoustic Doppler Current Meters guide intelligent decisions on Malaysia’s SMART Project
SonTek HydroSurveyor enables rapid resevoir survey
Clever kayak rig navigates tricky bathymetry challenge
Establishment of a hydrographic monitoring site in Australia
Collect Level And Depth Data With Flowtracker2 Optional Pressure Sensor Feature!
What The Hoopla Is All About
SonTek is pleased to unveil the new FlowTracker2 now with optional pressure sensor feature! This new feature allows for:
- More accurate and precise measure of depth
- More accurate and precise positioning of sensor at proper depth for measurement
- Ability to measure in places where sight-reading of depth on a rod is inconvenient or impossible
- Elimination of chance of human error when depth is manually read on the rod (source of error) and then keyed-in (another source of error).
- Ability to review and QA/QC depth time series data back at the office.
- SonTek’s innovative patent-pending method of properly compensating pressure readings under different flow conditions.