To get the greatest return on any smart gas investment, you need a partner that has the technology that captures data throughout your distribution system, a network that transfers the data reliably and software that makes your data actionable.
Sensus has it all – the metrology, sensors, network, analytics and managed services team you need for a successful smart gas launch that delivers maximum cost savings throughout your utility.
Choosing the right communication network can save you thousands of dollars. The FlexNet® communication network uses a point to multi-point architecture that requires fewer basestations than other solutions and allows you to scale your network as your business grows. Combine that with smart gas meters, like the Sonix IQ, that reduce truck rolls while increasing customer safety, and you’ll have a faster positive ROI on your smart gas deployment.
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) | Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) | ERT Meter Reading
Getting your data into the right hands is the next step. With Sensus Analytics, you can begin operationalizing your data right away with enhanced billing files, pre-configured reports and custom alerts. And, you can purchase additional Apps, such as Daily Reads, which will enable you to reduce lost revenue and improve tracking of transport customers’ usage.
Customer Portal | Data Analytics
Some of your most important data collection points are likely the furthest from any power source, making remote monitoring difficult. But with Sensus’ FlexNet network and industry-leading experience in battery powered technology, it’s no longer a challenge. You can perform pressure monitoring at key end points, implement cathodic protection throughout your distribution system, and more.
Cathodic Protection | Distribution Automation (DA) | Pressure Regulation
Watch and learn how the built in features of the Sonix IQ gas meter helps utilities deliver more for their customers.