UltraClear® TP TWF EDI Ultra pure water systems have the highest producible water quality for all critical test and research areas.
The UltraClear® TP TWF EDI systems have a fixed and a flexible Dispenser to bring the water to your work. They supply the highest producible water quality for all critical test and research areas.
The UltraClear(R) TWF EDI system is equipped with all the necessary components to produce reagent grade water directly from municipal tap water. The built-in reverse osmosis system has a recovery rate of > 30 % to conserve water. The continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) stage purifies RO product water down to a quality range of 0.055 µS/cm (18.2 MΩ-cm). CEDI
product water can be drawn directly from the integrated storage tank. Each system is equipped with economical state-of-the-art purification technology.
Water quality with a resistivity of 18.2 MΩcm and a TOC level between 1 - 3 ppb far exceeds all reagent water quality standards including: ASTM Type 1, CLSI and ISO 3696 Type 1. All systems that include Ultrafiltration (UF) produce the highest possible water quality. These units deliver RNase, DNase and DNA free water.