XDM offers insight into all your assets, from pump installations to street lights. All of the data of these assets are in the system, including any previous maintenance and malfunctions data.
The status of an asset can be queried at any time, giving you a good insight into the planned and performed maintenance for each asset, but you can also better assess whether replacing parts makes sense, or whether a renovation is a better solution.
An up-to-date report is always available. With the push of a button you can review any executed and open actions, as well as the condition of your objects and equipment.
With XDM it is possible to carry out maintenance on the basis of what you and your organisation consider important. By defining risks, you can automatically give high or low priority to the maintenance of an installation.
By identifying various factors such as; fault sensitivity, the type of installation, the consequences of failure and the location, XDM can help determine a maintenance schedule. It also takes into account previous data of the assets.
With this module, extra attention can be paid to installations where maintenance is required.
XDM makes planning and performing maintenance easier than ever. Maintenance can be assigned to engineers with work orders. The engineers themselves can then get to work quickly and efficiently using the simplified version of XDM: the engineers module.
In the engineers module, the technician can perform an LMRA (Last Minute Risk Analysis) to insure the environment is safe before work begins.
You can configure the XDM to your own preferences. It is possible to easily import your own data into the system. With the help of an API link it is also possible to link a SCADA system.
As a user you can customize or create templates and add in your installations. You can also add your own 'layers', with piping or cable data for example.
XDM is scalable and flexible. The system can be set up according to your own preferences and working methods.