Hotel Information


Out-of-town students attending seminars can receive a discount on rooms at the:

Marriott Residence Inn Chicago Wilmette 
3205 Old Glenview Road
Wilmette, Illinois  60091
Phone: (847) 251-6600

For additional information about the hotel check out their website here.
Rooms and cost: The room rate is $119 + tax for one or two guests.

Expenses: The Schoolhouse will furnish noon meals at the Bell & Gossett cafeteria for the entire class and a banquet on the Monday night of the seminar.

Students are required to pay for their rooms at the Marriott Residence Inn Chicago Wilmette.

Students are responsible for all charges at the hotel, including:

  • Room Rental
  • Laundry Service
  • Valet Service
  • Telephone Calls
  • Liquor Charges
  • Meals

When you check in at the Marriott Residence Inn Chicago Wilmette, please be prepared to give the Front Desk a method of payment (credit card, check, cash) to cover your expenses during your stay. This will help expedite procedures at check-in and check-out.


  • Transportation will be furnished each day, to and from the hotel to the “Little Red Schoolhouse”, and to O’Hare Airport at the end of the seminar.
  • Out-of-town students are responsible for transportation to and from their homes to the hotel in Wilmette, Illinois.
  • Chicago area students will furnish their own transportation to and from their homes to the “Little Red Schoolhouse”.

Service from O’Hare or Midway airports
American Taxi
Cash or major credit cards accepted. 24 hour service.
Tel: (847) 255-9614
