A safe, natural solution for the elimination of odor and corrosion
Evoqua's BIOXIDE® Calcium Nitrate Solution eliminates the odor, corrosion, and safety problems associated with hydrogen sulfide by achieving sewage odor control naturally. This unique, proven product also treats other common sewage odors, including odorous sulfur compounds such as mercaptans and organic sulfides.
BIOXIDE solution not only removes hydrogen sulfide, but also prevents its formation, for consistent effective treatment.
Comprehensive Odor Control Solutions
Evoqua offers the VersaDose® Automated Dosing Controller and Link2Site® Remote Monitoring Application. The VersaDose® Automated Dosing Controller and Link2Site® Remote Monitoring by Evoqua Water Technologies uniquely deliver operators the real-time visibility and control for consistent, effective odor and corrosion control.
Five different blends designed to optimize performance under different control objectives: