The Vent-Scrub® Carbon Adsorbers have been proven to be the simplest and most cost effective way to treat malodorous and VOC emission problems. Sturdy steel construction and specially formulated corrosion resistant internal coating ensures long service life and low maintenance.
Designed for Volitile Organic Compounds (VOC) control and other similar waste and process water vent applications.
The Vent-Scrub® adsorbers have been proven to be the simplest and most cost effective way to treat malodorous and VOC emission problems. Sturdy steel construction and specially formulated corrosion resistant internal coating ensures long service life and low maintenance.
Available for rental, lease or build-own-operate in six models containing 200 to 8000 pounds of activated carbon and rated to treat flows from 100 to 3750 cfm, Vent-Scrub® carbon adsorbers are designed for a wide variety of gas-phase applications including industrial plant emissions, soil vapor extraction, remediation off-gasses, waste processing emissions, laboratory hood exhausts and VOC removal from air strippers. Sturdy steel construction and specially formulated corrosion resistant internal coating ensures long service life and low maintenance. Optional piping manifolds are available to allow for series or parallel operation.
The Vent-Scrub® 200 Fan Package combines the durability and reliability of the Vent-Scrub® 200 adsorber with the convenience of an integrated fan and motor. The fan includes a cast aluminum housing and is mounted to the top lid of the adsorber for an easy-to-use, compact design. The fan size is rated for 100 SCFM @ 10.7" w.c. and comes complete with motor starter, 8' power cord, damper, and screen cover for flow control. An optional TEFC and Explosion Proof (EXP) motor is also available.