Thank you for choosing Flygt to meet your water pumping system needs!
By registering your pumps, you’ll help to ensure quick access to your warranty information and faster service, repairs, and maintenance. Xylem will also keep you informed of product-specific announcements, updates, and offers.
To register your pumps, please select one of two options:
• Download and complete the end-user information form form for each location where Flygt pumps are installed – up to 10 pumps.
• For more than 10 pumps, simply upload your file, jpeg, or other document using the batch upload feature.
Let’s get started!
We are also happy to do an inspection of your equipment to ensure your Flygt pump or pumping system is operating at peak performance.
To schedule an inspection, or if you have a current need for repairs or Genuine Xylem Parts, please let us know. We will respond quickly to meet your needs.
Schedule an Inspection or call (609) 352-0213