Avensor is a digital service that provides alerts and data-driven insights from a device connected to your pump stations or other water infrastructure assets. Once a gateway is installed to connect all the assets, you can have a total overview of all connected operations, anytime, anywhere.
Platform-Wide Features
The Avensor platform offers a plug and play monitoring system. Avensor connects the supported and the custom devices through Modbus (RS-485, RS-232, or TCP), or analog and digital inputs directly on the CCD 401.
Avensor handles the data from multiple stations. Go to the dashboard to get an overview of the station statistics and navigate easily between the stations through a data-driven filtering and sorting.
Alarm Management
Receive real-time data and early warnings from the connected devices.
Call Lists
A call list is a group of users receiving notifications from Avensor in case of alarms.
Anomaly Detection
Get notified when a connected device deviates from the expected behavior
External Integration
Connect Avensor to other systems through a machine-to-machine API or AvensorOPC connector
User Management
Different users can have different roles with different access levels
Learn more about Avensor features in the FAQs
Station-Level Features
In Avensor, the station is a central concept. Each customer can manage multiple stations, and every station can have sensors, pumps, and other machinery installed. The user can monitor the live data sent by the device such as the status of their assets, or the weather information of your station.
Some devices can be controlled remotely. The user can also can make notes, upload pictures, view the historical data and alarms.
The connected pumps, sensors and other machinery communicate with Avensor through a controller, known as a "Device" in Avensor. The device is connected to a gateway (CCD 401) that provides the connectivity to Avensor. Both devices and gateways require software updates from time to time, which is all managed through Avensor.
Remote Control
Allows a user to control devices installed on a station remotely
See the historical data, visualize, and compare data points and export data for analysis
Remote Inspection
Experience a smarter, more efficient way to manage station inspections
Illustrated Station Model
Get an illustrated model showing the status of your station
Decreased Pump Capacity Detection
Notifies users when there is a decrease in capacity for one or several pumps
Learn more about Station Features in the FAQs
Incident Monitoring
If a station has no connectivity with Avensor, a 'connectivity lost' incident occurs. The incident shows the time period that the connection was lost. Because of system delays, the incidents can have a 30-60 second delay.
In the station analytics, the data and the connectivity lost incidents are collected. This layout makes it possible to correlate the data and a specific incident.
Possible causes can be environmental such as disruptions in the local network or a power outage. It could also be a local issue such as bad radio signal, because of, for example, bad antenna positioning or perhaps the CCD is not connected to the correct antenna port.
To protect your assets the Xylem Network Operations Center monitors the Avensor platform 24/7. Additionally Avensor's outage detection as well as "Lost contact" alarms keep users informed of the state of their assets.
Many users have had similar questions about Events, Alarms, anomalies and incidents.