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Understanding the Tijuana River Estuary
To put it bluntly, the situation around the Tijuana River and its estuary just north of the U.S.-Mexico border stinks. To understand how pollution moves in this area, researchers use SonTek Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to measures the movement of tides. This information is crucial for both countries to develop effective strategies for managing and reducing the estuary's pollution, aiming to improve the environmental health of this shared region.
Comparison of Doppler Flow Meter Types
Find out why not every flow meter is created equally. Take a comprehensive look at the functional and technical differences between continuous wave vs Multi-cell pulsed Doppler technology and the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Understanding the Importance of Transducer Depth
When you use an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to make a discharge measurement, there are several factors that can impact the accuracy and quality of the data. A good measurement requires attention to detail and knowledge of how the instrument and software work. In this paper, we take a closer look at one of the essential measurement inputs – transducer depth.
About SonTek
SonTek manufactures affordable, reliable Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) instrumentation for water velocity measurement in oceans, rivers, lakes, harbors, estuaries, and laboratories. Our instruments use sound waves to tell you how fast water is moving, where it is moving, and even if it is not. Our customers are scientists, engineers, hydrologists, research associates, water resource planners, and anyone needing to collect velocity, flow, or discharge data in every body of water imaginable.
Mission Water Exclusive: The Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey Legacy of Innovation
Wide waterways, major river fluctuations, and rugged terrain make hydrological surveying and discharge measurement a big challenge in Korea. Learn how the Korea Institute of Hydrological Survey (KIHS) is a world leader in putting sophisticated hydrological instruments and techniques to work helping the Republic of Korea manage its river and dam system, and navigate a changing climate.
Mission Water Exclusive: Tiny Island Big Insights Drive Research on Small Georgia Island
At just 11,000 acres, Little St. Simons Island is a tiny squiggle on most maps. But its subtle uplands—just 10 to 12 feet above sea level at best—and sprawling wetlands present a significant opportunity to study coastal dynamics. Big questions drive research on this small Georgia Island.
Mission Water Exclusive: Reef Resilience Scientist Surfer Studies Coral Reef Survival
Before Dr. Cliff Kapono shifts his research to the stage of sampling and analyzing microbiota from the reef, he characterizes the flow of water and sediment throughout the water column. His tool is a SonTek CastAway-CTD, which measures conductivity, temperature, and depth at a rate of 5 Hz and then calculates salinity, sound speed, and other parameters.