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The top 8 things to consider when specifying a controlled flow pump
There are several things to consider before determining which type of controlled flow pump is right for your application. Here we’ve outlined some of the top ones.
Are you looking to upgrade to an electric marine toilet?
This guide covers what to consider when upgrading to an electric marine toilet including space, plumbing size, rinse water, and more.
Tackling poor water pressure on your boat
Poor water pressure on board a vessel is one of the most common problems experienced by seasoned boaters, and it can hamper a great day on the water. Here we cover some common issues and helpful fixes to troubleshoot low water pressure problems.
Engine cooling pump database
This document details the cooling pump spares by make of engine.
Flexible impeller troubleshooting guide
This guide covers various issues experienced with flexible impellers based on symptoms, what causes the issue, and the remedy for each scenario.
Featured Case Studies

Xylem’s Jabsco Brand Partners with Swiss Fresh Water on Innovative Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Solution
While universal access to safe drinking water is a fundamental need and basic human right, it is estimated that 2.2 billon people globally lack access to safely managed water resources. While those in developing countries are most affected, with up to 80% of illnesses directly linked to inadequate water and sanitation, escalating climate challenges are impacting supply around the world.

Xylem and FoodJet Partner on World-First Sauce Depositing Machine with Adaptive Capabilities
With a long history in engineering and developing high-tech equipment for the food industry, FoodJet has established itself as the world’s first and leading company in precision depositing machinery, offering bespoke solutions for industrial food producers. In response to the demand for more consumer choice, including the need for food producers to supply smaller and more irregular shaped pizzas, FoodJet developed the MDL pizza sauce depositor...