Avensor Features
Monitor your assets with these Avensor features
Browse the FAQs
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Activate your account, unpack your devices, start configuring and installing
Common issues and their remedies compiled here
Release Notes
Avensor updates at regular intervals to introduce new features and functionalities
Access technical documentation for supported devices
Compatible Devices
Review compatible devices: Some Xylem devices are supported out of the box
Want to know more?
Visit the Avensor page or use the contact form to get in touch!
Cybersecurity is important to us
Do other Avensor customers have access to my operational and personal data?
No, only you and Xylem have access to your operational and personal data.
For how long can a user be idle before they are logged out?
A user can be idle for a limited time. If the idle time limit is reached, the user is logged out automatically. Idle time limits differ based on the application: Web - 30 minutes; Mobile - 14 days.
Can other Avensor customers control my assets?
No, only you and Xylem can control your assets if the remote control service is enabled. Xylem never uses the remote control without your approval.
If someone is close to the station, is it possible to see the data when it is in transit?
No, the data is encrypted and is not readable when in transit from a station to Avensor.